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Festival judges started to vote. You can choose your favorite work too. Vote for Best of The Audience.
Mistakes Were Made
MEET LIZZIE, CLARA AND APRIL. LIZZIE just moved in with Clara because she's having a quarter-life crisis. CLARA is totally sympathetic, but like, not really. APRIL is Clara's best friend, so best in fact, that they routinely are the worst friends ever. Welcome to twenty-five, where your friends are your family and your shit don't stink. Except it does. Set in Montreal, Mistakes Were Made follows the lives three girlfriends as they weave their dubious path to adulthood, one mistake at a time. Loosely based on the experiences of creator Shanna Roberts Salée, the irreverent 9-part series focuses on the obscure complexities of modern day romance, success, and why millennials are not yet fully formed human beings. |
Going Going Gone
Tyler Eaton will stop at nothing to find a solution to his increasingly receding hairline: Begging his friends to perform surgery, disturbing family with his choice of wig, asking strangers if they'd date a balding man, even calling on the supernatural for help. Whatever works, he'll give it a shot. |
Auckward Love
'Auckward Love' is a funny, sexy and almost romantic web-series that follows a heartbroken aspiring artist as she is helped back on the rocky road to love by her three disparate best friends... whether she wants them to or not. WATCH NOW |
Faux Show
Dusty and Dale are married, charming, and the hosts of “Keepin’ It Real" -- their long-running talk show that’s on the verge of cancellation. The problem? Low ratings and complaints that they’ve become “more Bougie than Black.” The solution? Felicity “Priceless” Jones, an internet sensation who puts the Sho’ in Show Business! |
Just In NY
A new WEB SERIES by Goya award winner YOLANDA GARCÍA SERRANO. The multicultural story of five heartbroken roommates, each one with a dark secret they don't want to share. WATCH NOW |
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