Festival judges started to watch and vote.
You can choose your favorite production too. Vote for Best of The Audience, click EDITIONS then NOVEMBER. Watch each work by clicking on poster next to film info. Some posters are not interactive, some films are NOT available online, usually because they're in other film festival competitions requiring not posting films on internet, but you can still vote and support production. |
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Aloofness of the city filled its courtyards and streets. Sverdlovsk was no exception, as well as the characters in the film. Fedor feels quite confident in the role he has chosen for himself. With Boris and Iskra, they moved up the "career" ladder. The crimes become bold and careless. However, the more the characters feel that such stories have no happy ending, the more inevitable it becomes. Have you ever been to Sverdlovsk? |
Act of Choice
This is the story of a young boy 'Harsh', who aspires to live his dream of becoming an actor but confronts the biased choices of his mentors, society & parents. Harsh participates in a play in his college and he starts feeling a deeper connection when story of the play starts relating a lot to his own. 'Choice is a trait that defines us & one should dare to live for her/his dreams. Satisfaction over compromised success' is the message through this inspirational story. |
Nothing to eat.Almost out of water.Almost out of ammunition Hopeless World War I, African Front. Almost two months ago Private Benjamin's squad was isolated after an enemy's advance that shattered the British Front's communications. Surrounded, besieged by the enemy's fire with no other choice but to survive in the only shelter the desert can provide, the only place to hide from the scorching sun, the infernal crack in the ground called trench. |
Ad approved by Los Angeles CineFest
Ad approved by Los Angeles CineFest