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Festival judges started to vote. You can choose your favorite work too. Vote for Best of The Audience.
layers of control... the femalemale view! dominate wishes and dreams in-between realities, lovely visions and disasters. xx-mixed up desires between the prince and the princess, in the xxx-garden of abstinence, an illusion! an xy-abuse! never ending loneliness! medusadistic hierarchy! the womans saddest journey to nowhere. she-devil! her holy idealism against every dogma. sleeping in the fire, nightmares of terror, leaving the darkest hour! to feel the truth of the rose-pink future. out! off the window! girl-vamps final bloody pleasure - a never ending obsession - flesh! flash for fantasy! mistress of the universe, STRIKE!!! |
Having to face the death of their father, Eddie and Sally try to do their best in understanding the concept of death. At their tender age of 8 and 10, they fully rely on their religious father’s teachings. When life in Heaven seems ideal, they make a decision that nobody could have expected. |
In Lisbon Ana and Francisco are at home preparing to leave. Francisco seeks to recover the affection of Ana. WATCH NOW |
A novel writer is about to start writing but, neighbours, with loud music, disturbing him. So, quietly, invite them to stop making so much noise and let him work. But this was in vain. They still making noise and disturbing him. So he fell into his bad and dark side, using drugs and drinking alcool, until he can't identify what is real or what is a joke of his mind |
Claustrophobia is the fear of being in closed or small space or room and having no escape.[1] It can be triggered by many situations or stimuli, including elevators crowded to capacity, windowless rooms, and even tight-necked clothing.[2] It is typically classified as an anxiety disorder, which often results in panic attacks. The onset of claustrophobia has been attributed to many factors, including a reduction in the size of the amygdala, classical conditioning, or a genetic predisposition to fear small spaces. |
The Yellow Snake it's the story of Kate and Dominic, a lovely couple shared between Fidelity and Temptation. It is also the story of Soho, Dominic's best friends, addicted to illegal substances... but first at all it's the story of a snake... and love and crayziness! WATCH NOW |
During a dinner with Curt Cobain and Elvis Presley at an Italian restaurant, Freddie Mercury narrates a short story about the arrival in Vienna of Peppo, an Italian mafia boss with family connections to Vienna, where he also owns a canal ship on the Danube, which becomes the setting of the story. The arrival of Peppo and his colorful entourage comes at a surprise for the current renters of the ship, a couple who have ambitions to turn the ship into a nail salon. What ensues in this comedic film by Nicolai Selikovsky, is a hilarious interaction between all the colorful characters in Freddie Mercury's story, complete with dream sequences and multiple cameos by Marilyn Monroe. |
Black and white. Seven gangsters, sitting around a table are preparing « the heist of the century » : the hold up of a hippodrome under the staring eyes of Stella, the « head »,a cold woman of few words. All of a sudden, the light changes and colour appears :we can see the theater actors interrupted during a rehearsal.The technical staff and the director have vanished.When two of them try to leave the light, they collapse mysteriously. The survivors are prisoners of the limelight. |
Three young, white men travel through Morocco. They have assigned themselves a mission and have entrusted a photographer with documenting their deeds. Drive Through is the story of this self-assigned ‘mission’, in which nothing works out as envisioned…. The essay film relies on a set of photo documents that become animated through staged gestures, an imaginative handling of ambient sound and a playful inclusion of the weather conditions found on location, while filming. In what appears to be an eighteen minute long single shot, the skillfully produced short retells a story of ‘good intentions’ that turn uncanny. The photographer, also narrator of the unfolding diegesis, juxtaposes memories with travel snapshots to the point where facts and fiction blur. Drive Through is a multilayered, circular narrative that also works as critique of travel-photography and of the all too easily applied aesthetics of photo-collage. |
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Ad approved by Los Angeles CineFest