'Snacktime' is a short animated film produced by the students of the University of Central Florid School of Visual Arts and Design Character Animation Specialization. It is the story of Winston, a mischievous little spirit who is awakened from a deep sleep ravenous for treasure! He locks his hungry eyes on an ancient temple high in the Andes Mountains filled with all the riches he could desire. But, with an angry guardian protecting the loot and a pompous conquistador who’s come to steal it, getting a decent meal might be harder than he thought. |
BANHEE - tune of the wind
BANHEE - tune of the wind’ tells a story of a little boy, Kanai, from a rural village in Assam who loses his father unexpectedly and by circumstance makes a move to stay with a family in an urban atmosphere. The little poor boy had developed certain understandings towards music and keen interest in flute from early stage. In an urban set up, where everything was new for him, circumstantially he develops a desire for a mouth organ and puts his everyday into a struggle to achieve that desire. Does his strive get a fulfillment? This is a story of desire, compassion and ambiguities that life offers to us. The film depicts certain details of certain classes in rural Assam: their lives and their struggles along with their aspirations. Despite of being a short duration movie, its panoramic cinematic storytelling narrates not only two atmospheres, rural and urban, but the sensibilities of two generations, along with certain nuanced humane relations also. In its undercurrent sensibilities it also deals with life, death and certain metaphysical aspects. |
The Message
The story is about a young man's bus ride to his grandfather’s house. He considers people’s behaviors, and realizes that people don’t show a lot of respect to each other anymore. He notices an incapable man (Joe) doesn't have a seat. He attempt to get Joe seated awakens some moral lessons. |
Switch Man
In a normal quiet Sunday, Dr. Evil Mantis attacted K-City unexpectedly with his gigantic claw, the entire city in panic and in danger. At the very critical moment, one young man stood out and fight the Dr. Evil Mantis. This is the moment for the hidden superhero, and his secret power is about to turn this chaos upside down. The Legend is about to begin... |
Circular tells the tale of young Natalie, who joyfully visits the beach with her cherished doll Sophie, while under the supervision of her older brother Lucas, whose mind is clearly elsewhere. After some bickering, the siblings finally relax, only to be interrupted by a little surprise visitor, much to Lucas' smug delight. However, what goes around, comes around... |