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The Loan Shark
The protagonist is a usurer who offer loans at extremely high interest rates. The customers that don't respect the deadlines will pay with something more than their money: the usurer will export their organ and sells them to wealthy bidders. The usurer is affected by deliriums of omnipotence, he believes to be a sort of benefactor who helps people providing them money and organs. |
Et s'il était
En 2014, Noam (Mohamed Badissy) doit se rendre à la clinique où sa femme Isabella (Anne-Sophie Nallino) s'apprête à accoucher, sur le chemin il voit son fils Théo (Thibaut Buccellato) et sa fille Léna (Joyce Bibring) débarquer du futur pour lui parler de leurs avenirs. Cette rencontre surprenante va emmener Noam dans une série de questions sur la paternité. |
Iva and Steve a married couple. Iva writes novels at home, Steve works at a financial office close to central park. Through their daily routine it becomes clear that they are bored and not much into each other. They feel obligated as a couple to express themselves, but even that comes off very cold and empty. Iva is into Romans reflecting the passion that's she wants in a relationship. Steve is obviously interested in experimenting with members of the same gender, and he quickly gets a response from a guy from a chat website. |