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'Q' Short Film
'Q' is a story which depicts 'reflection', that is the power of the mind to reflect a vague memory in the form of incredible dreams that bring out your deepest emotions. 'Q' is a romantic journey of Amar and Sonya. Amar first sees Sonya at a coffee shop and later, coincidentally Sonya joins Amar’s office team. Over the next few days they become good friends. Amar’s fascination for Sonya turns in to dreams about her which motivate him to tell his new born love for her Password: mini2208 |
Mammary Gland Malfunction
Based on true events, Mammary Gland Malfunction follows the journey of Corey, a teenage girl with a very “grown-up” problem. As if everyday high school drama was not stressful enough, now her boobs are lactating, and the cause of the phenomenon is proving difficult to determine. Confused, Corey must navigate her way through classes, friends, and the threat of other students discovering her bizarre secret. |
Total Animal III
Total animal III is an experimental audiovisual creation, digitally enhanced and musically intense. The space is timeless, dark, misshapen and translucid. Submerged beings plasticized with sensual vibrations are breaking under destructive sounds. These creatures clot together in their oleaginous universe all the way to total annihilation. |